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Food, Faith, and Family: The Meaning of Food at the End of Life
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Feb 11, 2025 08:00 AM

Dena S. Davis, JD, PhD Presidential Endowed Chair in Health and Professor of Religion Studies, Emerita Lehigh University Abstract: Food, which sustains us during life, becomes problematic as we approach our death. Is it ever moral for people to refuse food in order to hasten their death? Must family, friends and caregivers respect those wishes? This talk will attempt to shed light on these questions with references to various religious traditions, including Judaism, Jainism, and Christianity. Continuing medical education credit will be available. The Center’s Healthcare and Religion Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Palliative and Supportive Institute, the Department of Religious Studies, and the Jewish Studies Program Catalog of Opportunities Event